
The school’s Head Office is intent on fostering teamwork, listening skills and dialogue between its teaching and non-teaching staff. These concepts are essential for the school’s planning, for carrying out responsible assessments and for promoting transparency and constant communication. The Head Office is run by Beat Macías Roth (Headmaster) and Khristian Macías Roth (Head Administrator).

  • Head Team
  • Headmaster
    Head Administrator
    Psycho-pedagogical Department
    Pedagogical and Level Coordination
    Financial Department

The teachers and early childhood educators that form our staff have official degrees. All German language teachers at Zürich Schule Barcelona (ZSB) are native speakers.

We are proud to stress that all the members of the teaching staff at Zürich Schule Barcelona are committed to continuous improvement. Our teachers take an active part in high-quality continuous training programmes. This dedication to constant improvement of their knowledge and skills ensures that our students receive a cutting-edge education and that they are well prepared to face the challenges of a world in constant transformation.

Our team

The history of these fifty years would make no sense if we did not acknowledge the dedication of each and every one of our teachers, past and present, and that of our administration and management staff.

Carlos Arjona

Primary and Secondary Musical Education 

Katharina Bangert

Preschool and Primary Education 

Merci Cabrera

Kitchen and Services

Maite Campóo

Preschool Education 

Jeni Campos

Psycho-pedagogical Department

Raquel Crespo

Psycho-pedagogical Department

Lisa Lin Do

Preschool Education 

Sylvia Eberhard

Primary Education 

Gustavo Fajardo


Amanda Fernández

Psycho-pedagogical Department

Anna Ferré

Preschool Education

Germán Flores

Secondary Education 

Marianne Friedländer

Preschool Education 

Dani Garcia

Primary Education 

Helena García

Specialist Preschool and Primary Education Teacher

Petra Glasmacher

Primary Education 

Lisa Grebe

Preschool Education

Fritz Habermann

Secondary Education 

Simone Hausigk

Primary Education 

Lisa König

Primary Education 

Lucía López

Preschool Education 

Guillermo Lovera

Financial Administrator

Efrén Macià

Primary and Secondary Physical Education

Beat Macías


Khristian Macías

Head Administrator

Kharla Malca

Kitchen and Services

Sira Marín

Secondary Education 

Susana Mexía

Secondary Education 

Myrieam Meyer

Primary Education

Patxi Molinas

Master Primary Education Chess Teacher

Alexandra Morral

Primary Education

Jessica Nöth

Preschool Education 

Rosario Pino

Kitchen and Services

Vanessa Pohl

Preschool Education 

Carlos Rossich

Secondary Education 

Pedro Sánchez

Secondary Education

Mónica Sanjuan

Specialist Primary Education Teacher

Alex Siemon

Primary Education

Milly Siso


Alèxia Vallvé

Primary Education

Daniel Wolf

Specialist Preschool and Primary Education Teacher

The Psycho-pedagogical Department at Zürich Schule Barcelona is staffed by three professionals

The psycho-pedagogical team lends it support to families, students and teachers, and, when necessary, oversees the coordination between professionals in this field. The team is actively involved with the Head Office and can be considered a forerunner of the humanistic psychology on which the school’s educational principles are based. These principles are rooted in the psychological approaches of humanism, Emotional Intelligence (EI), positive psychology and systemic psychology. To ensure they are truly effective, our educators apply them professionally and experience them personally in their daily practice, in an ongoing maturing process. These precepts are valid for all those who are in close contact with children and teenagers — from parents and teachers to supervisory assistants and management service staff.

The psycho-pedagogical team plays a key role in our school.

  • The psycho-pedagogical team offers support, guidance and advice to students, families and teachers.

  • Whenever necessary, our team performs psychodiagnostic assessments and makes specific therapeutic proposals.
  • The team plays an active role in the school’s council. It also makes contributions to assessment and educational level meetings.

Would you like to work with us?

 If you want to join our team, please send us your CV using this form.

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